Greatest Trade Union Meeting On-Line – EVER!

For the CWU membership as a whole, for the public and MPs, and indeed for the Royal Mail Board; the Union held a 1 hours long event on Facebook consisting of questions from those attending on-line and answers from the General Secretary Dave Ward and Deputy General Secretary Postal, Terry Pullinger.

The siubject of the event? The Four Pillars of Security, of course!

Given the media false reporting on the disupote with Royal Mail and the propaganda to cWU RM workers being pumped out onto workers PDAs, not to mention home mailers by the company; the CWU decided that the truth of the dispute will out!

In any industrial dispute as reported in the media, the first casualty is always the truth. When you consider that elss than 10% of journalists are from the working class, and that the majority of the news print media in this country is owned by Tory supporting millionaires, this comes as no surprise.

So the CWU uisng social media, is putting the balance back into news reporting, not with fantasy, false claims and downright lies; but with clear and concise facts!

Below you can view the event as it happened:

Source: CWU Facebook page

Posted: 1st January 2017

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