CWU Four Pillars Of Security Campaign On Tour

Deputy Assistant Secretary Postal, Terry Pullinger, has written to all Postal Branches of the Union to update them on the latest campaign initiative. Here is part of his LTB, the full version of which can be downloaded from the special campaign pages: As part of our Four Pillars of Security campaign, the union is holding […]

Posted: 1st January 2017

General Election 2017 – Where Do We Go From Here

General Election 2017 – Where Do We Go From Here? Dan Lewis, CWU North West Regional Chair, discusses the election result and gives his personal view of where we are now in our fight for justice and a country for the many, not the few. His message? Get yourself prepared, it’s time to take them […]

Posted: 1st January 2017

Corbyn Sends Open Letter To May On Action Plan For Grenfell Tower Victims

Jeremy Corbyn was the first leader of a political party to visit the scene of the country’s worst High Rise building fire since the second World War ended in 1945. Following that visit and the lack of action by either the Government or the Local Authority of Kensington and Chelsea borough, he wrote an open […]

Posted: 1st January 2017

Queen’s Speach Delayed By Theresa May – CWU Respond

Following the General Election last week which robbed the Tories of a working majority, the only response Theresa May could think of was to get into political deals with the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP). This as it turned out has delayed the Queen’s speech, prompting many to respond critically of the move to strike up […]

Posted: 1st January 2017

CWU Members Get On Their Bikes For Prevention Of Youth Suicide Charity

Knight Rider Liverpool Charity Bike Ride in Aid of PAPYRUS CWU NW Reps Pauline McAvoy and Brian Parsons (and maybe a couple of late comers) will be embarking on a 100 km Charity Bike ride around Liverpool on the night of 15th July 2017 in aid of the Charity PAPYRUS (PREVENTION OF YOUNG SUICIDES). Some […]

Posted: 1st January 2017

National Equality Officer’s Seminar – 23rd June 2017 Wimbledon

Equality Officers from across the CWU’s branches in the country, travelled to London to attend the Union’s seminar on Equality. Here, Jacqui Stewart, Equality Officer for Lancs And Cumbria Branch reports on last month’s seminar at CWU HQ in Wimbledon: Opening Remarks – Linda Roy- National Equality Officer Linda thanked all the equality Offers for […]

Posted: 1st January 2017

A General Election Which Energised Thousands of Young Voters

Brian Kenny, Mersey Branch’s Political Officer and North West Regional Political Sub-Committee Vice Chair; gives his personal view of the General Election and makes a surprising admission on the performance of the Labour Leader: Well, the General Election was held on June 8th. On paper, the Tories won it, with more seats than any other Party, […]

Posted: 1st January 2017

LGBT Rights Hit Within 48 Hours Of May Pact With DUP

Even prior to the negotiations by Theresa May’s Tory government with the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) being completed, she seems to have bent to their will against the rights of lesbian,gay, bisexual, and transgender people of this country. The Northern Irish party opposes a whole raft of LGBT rights, and knowing this, May made David Lidington […]

Posted: 1st January 2017

Labour’s Family Came Together To Defeat The Tories

Whilst this headline may not be totally correct, in terms of the final result of the general election; the fact is that Labour did have a major victory on 8th June 2017! As the tabloid media peddled lies and TV news broadcasters weren’t much better, their forecasting of 70 to 100 seats for ‘no mandate […]

Posted: 1st January 2017

The Arrogance Of The Tories And Of The Media Was Their Downfall

With the most honest words of any journalist commenting on the general election has been the words of Channel4 News’ Jon Snow yesterday when he said, "we know absolutely nothing.." it is time for the both the British media and the Tory Party to humble themselves and cease the arrogance and attitude of "we know […]

Posted: 1st January 2017