Angela Rayner Expels Gove From Education Classes

Perhaps one of the best interviews in this general election so far, has to be the debate on Channel 4 News earlier this week between Labour’s Shadow Education Secretary, Angela Rayner and the Tory failed former Education Secretary Michael Gove. Identifying very early on where Gove was being totally hypocritical, she told him that free […]

Posted: 1st January 2017

Tories Get Away With Election Fraud As CPS Is Nobbled

That at least should be the headlines in many people’s mind as today, the CPS have capitulated and decided to take no action against the 30 Tory MPs who Channel 4 investigations show, fiddled their election campaign expenses by not disclosing full expenditure. Social media Twitter account holders commented immediately with ne suggesting an actual […]

Posted: 1st January 2017

CWU Stands Up Against Racism In The General Election

It is OK to hate – Racism! That was the message at CWU Conference last month when a presentation was given to the Conference delegates from charity Show Racism The Red Card! But now we have the General Election 2017, and before it we had the EU Referendum giving the excuse for racism to rear […]

Posted: 1st January 2017

Stand Up For Our Grandparents – Increase The State Pension For Our Elderly People

Stand Up For Our Grandparents – Increase The State Pension For Our Elderly People Says CWU NW’s Retired Member’s Secretary In this impassioned plea, CWU Retired Members Secretary, Graham Wilson argues against the Tory Government’s campaign of pitting generation against generation; and highlights the facts about pensioner’s in the UK today: Various politicians, think tanks […]

Posted: 1st January 2017

CWU Welcomes Labour Announcements On Transforming The Workplace

The CWU, on the eve of May Day, welcomes this comprehensive announcement from Labour that shows quite clearly that only the Labour party, led by Jeremy Corbyn, is on the side of workers. Prepared to back up with detail where others simply use rhetoric, what we have seen today are some of the most important […]

Posted: 1st January 2017

May Refuses To Accept Government Has Responsibility For Surge In Foodbanks

Speaking on the Andrew Marr Show on BBC this Sunday morning, Theresa May seemed totally cold and disinterested when asked about Nurses having to use food banks. Dismissing the question, she simply said, "There are many complex reasons why people go to food banks” She then added: “I want to develop an economy where, yes, […]

Posted: 1st January 2017

CWU Conference Demands A ‘Total Eclipse Of The Sun’

In a debate which left many with tear-filled eyes, and for some tears on their faces; CWU delegates opened their hearts to victims of Hillsbourough, whilst turnign their backs on Rupert Murdocks The Sun tabloid and the total lies and vitriol against Liverpool written by Kelvin McKenzie. Motion 84 was brought to the Conference Agenda […]

Posted: 1st January 2017

CWU Conference 2017 – Retired Members Fringe Meeting

Graham Wilson NW Retired Members Secretary, gives a quick review of this very popular annual fringe meeting held at CWU conference: With Allan Trotter in the Chair the well attended Retired Members Fringe meeting was addressed first by Acting General Secretary, Tony Kearns. He spoke primarily about Motion 29 and said the time was right […]

Posted: 1st January 2017